SOLKEYS is a consultancy firm offering specialized services to the PV sector related to quality, reliability, innovation and sustainability.


We believe that solar PV energy will play a leading role in the transition towards a sustainable and equitable energy model. We want to collaborate to make this transition a reality, to preserve our planet and its climate, and enable a sustainable living for all the people and for future generations.

The future is bright for PV!

Our goals

Photovoltaic energy
More quality and reliability
Of photovoltaic modules
Photovoltaic energy
More quality and reliability
Of photovoltaic modules

Contribute to the growth of the solar PV sector through the successful development of reliable and cost-competitive PV projects and the construction of a resilient solar PV value chain.

Improve the sustainability of the PV sector through the reduction of carbon emissions, an efficient use of resources and the development of a PV recycling industry.

Contribute to improve the quality and reliability of PV modules, through optimal quality assurance processes and accurate and traceable performance estimates.

Collaborate to foster innovation in the PV sector and facilitate the development of new technologies and applications, and the integration and deployment of PV in new settings.

Solkeys was founded by Paula Sánchez-Friera in 2020.

Paula started working for the PV industry in 2002, first at a SME in Italy and then as a researcher at the R&D department of Isofotón, one of the leading PV cell and module European manufacturers at the time.

At Isofotón, she was initially part of the crystalline silicon cell development group, and afterwards became responsible for the module technology area, where she looked into different ways to optimize the quality and reliability of PV modules, aiming at reducing the cell-to module power losses and improving manufacturing yields. She then moved to the PV systems area, working on system design, energy yield simulations, monitoring and investigation of degradation mechanisms.

In 2012 she joined the technology centre Idonial as R&D project manager, focusing on electronics and photovoltaics projects. During this time, she also worked as a lecturer at the International University of Andalucía, teaching PV module technology at the MSc on Solar PV Energy and supervising many student projects.

Along her career she has participated in many European funded R&D projects, collaborating with multiple research organizations such as ISC Konstanz, ECN, Fraunhofer ISE, TÜV Rheinland, INES-CEA, IMEC, ZSW, Ciemat, Cener, IES-UPM, and UMA, among others.